

Merancang Kehidupan Produktif & Bermakna yang Anda Inginkan

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Di kelas online ini akan membahas bagaimana kita dapat:

Kelas Mendesain Hidup

Angkatan VII

20-27 Februari 2022

bersama, Darmawan Aji

Penulis buku Life By Design, Productivity Hack, Mindful Life, Self-Coaching, dan Kitab Anti Penundaan

Kelas Mendesain Hidup

Angkatan VII


Rp. 349.000

Dapatkan potongan khusus 30% utk pendaftaran H-7

Learn from previous students & hear what they say about PPC lessons

“John came at the right time. I wanted to start promoting my business, and he led me directly to success.”
Wayne R.
“I learned so much in this course and can now start building PPC campaigns easily.”
John S.
“Stop looking for another course. John's one-on-one course is the best on the market.”
Helen B.
“Very informative course! And the best thing was that I learned it online from the comfort of my home.”
Nancy P.
“I have a small business, and I want new clients. This PPC course taught me how to do this.”
Darlene M.
“The course was tailored just for me. John scheduled a perfect plan and I learned PPC in no time.”
Brian L.

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